The purpose of this mind game is to try to come up with as many "positive" things you can think of for the given object or situation. No matter how bad the object or situation may seem try to think of positive things that might come from it. If you can create good habits for yourself by looking for the value of things and staying positive, then over time you will notice many new opportunities become available to you.
Potholes in the road
- It helps ensure the road workers have a job
- It keeps the tire companies in business
- It helps make a driver stay aware of his/her surroundings while driving
- What else can you think of...?
A sail gets a large hole in it and no longer works
- At least I installed an inbound motor, so I wouldn't get stuck if the sail broke
- Look at that beautiful horizon. It just goes on and on forever. I never really appreciated that.
- I always wanted to learn how to fix a sail
- What else can you think of...?
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