If you can't afford a lawyer, but have a legal question where do you go? If you have a friend that happens to be a lawyer that's one option. However, another good starting point is Avvo.com, which lets you ask any legal question you want once you register for free.
Lawyers who have volunteered to answer the questions on the site will review the question and provide their opinions. They always state that it's not legal advice, but it's a good starting point if you really aren't sure when something is questionable.
For example, do you think it would be legal to write and sell a full summary of a book without the author's permission? You might think that if you don't copy and of the author's word word-for-word that'd you'd be okay, but are you sure? Chances are that won't be considered fair use and would probably even be considered a derivative work. Three attorneys answered that question on the site, and you can click here to view the answers.
The point is that sometimes things you might thing would be okay to do might not be legal at all. If you can afford a lawyer for these types of questions, then that's your best bet. However, if you can't afford a lawyer, then Avvo.com or a similar website might be a good starting point. Wouldn't you rather save time knowing whether an idea is probably legal or not before investing time into, and finding out later that it's not?
Image Credits: 952313 by creationc from Stock.Xchng
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