Do you have your own website or blog? Do you write your own unique content for it? If you don't write your own unique content, then you should. Don't waste money on "Article Spinning," "Private Label Articles," or other similar options. Granted, some people might try that route, but the best way to get the Search Engines to love you is to just provide relevant unique content.
The more relevant unique content you have on a blog or website means the more search engines will like your website. You could mix in article with reprint rights or private label articles, but they will never be as good as writing unique content.
You could also hire a ghostwriter, but make sure you can trust them to only produce original content. Some ghostwriter might just use rehashed information, which won't help at all.
Have you ever doubted having a free blog on or Do you think you have to have a web host and your own domain name to get the search engines to like you? That's not true. Granted, it helps build credibility if you're selling a product or service, but for a simple blog it's not "required."
The screenshot below shows you what you can do if you just provide relevant unique content on a simple free blog host like ( Without even trying a couple pages on this blog ranked 2nd and 3rd on the 1st page of google for the search term, "mind game think positively". On 11/20/2011 that search term had about 53.5 million results. This simple blog had 2 pages on the 1st page.
Click the image for a larger view. Screenshot taken 11/20/2011. |
The best part about using a free blog-hosting service is that you can try as many different types of blogs as you want without having to pay money for it. Want to try a new keyword, then create a new blog with that keyword, write unique content for it, and see what happens.
Keep it simple, provide value, and write original content, and you'll be amazed at the results you can achieve.
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